


The other evening I attended a rehearsal dinner for a friend’s wedding. During the dinner I found myself engaged in a wonderful in-depth conversation with two members of the wedding party, one from the bride’s side and the brother of the groom. Both individuals were in their mid-thirties, single and career oriented. The young woman […]

Money is part of the Equation

Money is part of the Equation

Strayer University in Virginia and the market research firm Ipsos conducted a study of 2,000+ Americans that revealed 90% of participants aged 18 and older believe success is more about happiness than power, possessions, or prestige. Within that group: – 67% associate success with achieving personal goals – 66% believe success is having good relationships […]

Finding your Route Guidance.

Finding your Route Guidance.

An autobiography generally fills far more pages than the following Autobiography in Five Short Chapters by Portia Nelson: Chapter One I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost…I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to get out.   Chapter Two I […]

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